Thursday, December 05, 2013

This is how disgusting feminists really are

Extremely disturbing video footage from Argentina shows a mob of feminists at a recent protest attacking and sexually abusing a group of Rosary-praying Catholic men who were peacefully protecting the cathedral in the city of San Juan from threats of vandalism.

The men, protecting their cathedral from desecration, endured all manner of abuse and assaults and stand, with linked arms passively recanting prayers as they are abused. One man has red paint sprayed into his eyes.

You don't have to be religious to sympathize and admire their courage. Where were the police? Why was no action taken to control this aggressive criminality? Are women allowed to get away with rioting, criminal assault and damage because they are women?

NSFW Warning. This video contains nudity. And pigs.

Well there you have it verbal, physical and sexual abuse of men peacefully locked hand in hand in prayer and solidarity who do not retaliate to this blatant and celebrated provocation by these women. Must be part of that testosterone fuelled epidemic of violence against women by men? Disgusting behaviour and abuse of human rights.


Rhode Island 'Holiday Tree' Corrected to 'Christmas Tree'

A pine tree dressed in lights will be lit Thursday in the Rhode Island State House rotunda, and for the first time in two years it will be called a “Christmas tree.”

Governor Lincoln D. Chafee (D) altered the term to assuage his constituents. According to the statement released Monday:

 “In 2011, my first year celebrating December in the State House I gave a simple six word instruction to the planners of the annual tree lighting: “Do what they did last year.” Despite the myriad of pressing issues facing Rhode Island and the nation, this presumably happy event became a focal point for too much anger.

Strangely lost in the brouhaha was any intellectual discussion of the liberties pioneered here in Rhode Island 350 years ago in our Charter. Because I do not think how we address the State House tree affects our “lively experiment,” this year’s invitation calls the tree a Christmas tree.”

Last year, Diocese of Providence Bishop Thomas J. Tobin was one of the many to lament the jilted “heartfelt sentiments of the vast majority of Rhode Islanders” who sought to “simply call the tree what it is – a Christmas tree.”

Bishop Tobin praised Chafee’s “common sense” decision:

 “Hopefully the presence of a 'Christmas Tree' at the State House will speak the true meaning of this special season, and will allow us all to enjoy the blessings of peace, joy and fellowship with one another.”

This seemingly small correction should not be overlooked. Terminology is fundamental to society because language frames thought. As C.S. Lewis lucidly said:

 "The most dangerous ideas in a society are not the ones being argued, but the ones that are assumed."

Gov. Chafee not only listened, but also responded to his constituents. Rhode Islanders and their governor should be praised for a job well done


Hate preachers in Britain to be 'silenced' by new anti-terror Asbos to block their bile on the internet

Preachers of hate are to be ‘silenced’ with new anti-terror orders based on a dramatically tightened definition of extremism and attempts to block their bile on the internet.

The Government is to introduce new civil powers, similar to those used against anti-social behaviour, to target extremists who radicalise others.

They are expected to be used to bar people from preaching messages of terror and hate, associating with named individuals thought vulnerable to radicalisation, and from entering specific venues, such as mosques or community halls.

The move is part of a sweeping package of measures drawn up by an anti-extremism task force set up by David Cameron after the death of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich.

In its initial report to be detailed to Parliament today, the task force will also propose new internet filters to block extremist websites and extended powers for watchdogs to shut down charities suspected of being fronts for extremist groups.

‘I want to see an end to hate preaching in Britain,’ the Prime Minister said.

As well as new civil orders against extremists – dubbed ‘Tebos’, or terror and extremism behaviour orders – the Government is to consider the case for another new type of order to ban groups which ‘seek to undermine democracy or use hate speech, when necessary to protect the public or prevent crime and disorder’.

Controversially, both types of order are to be based on a new definition of extremism which specifically includes a ‘distorted interpretation of Islam’.

It identifies Islamist extremism as a distinct ideology which should not be confused with traditional  religious practice. This ‘distorted’ view argues for a global Islamic state and against ‘liberal values such as democracy, the rule of law and equality’, and tells people they cannot be both Muslim and British.

The Government is also working with internet firms to remove hate-filled websites including material that would be illegal if published in the UK.

Family-friendly filters being made standard for web users to block porn will also be expanded to block extremist material, allowing concerned families and institutions to filter out such websites.

Mr Cameron said: ‘This summer we saw events that shocked the nation with the horrific killing of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich and murder of Mohammed Saleem in Birmingham.

‘These tragedies were a wake-up call for government and wider society to take action to confront extremism in all its forms, whether in our communities, schools, jails, Islamic centres or universities.

'I have been absolutely clear that this is not something we should be afraid to address for fear of cultural sensitivities.

'We have already put in place some of the toughest terrorism prevention controls in the democratic world, but we must work harder to defeat the radical views which lead some people to embrace violence.

‘The task force I set up has proposed a broad range of measures to counter the extremist narrative. When you look at this report, you can see a very clear analysis, a very clear definition of the extremism we’re talking about ... now everyone can see what it is that we need to tackle.’

He added: ‘There are just too many people who have been radicalised at Islamic centres, who have been in contact with extremist preachers, who have come across material on the internet who haven’t been sufficiently challenged.’

‘Some institutions have wanted to get rid of radicalisers but haven’t had the means to do so,’ he added.

The task force includes Home Secretary Theresa May, Deputy Premier Nick Clegg, Minister for Faith Baroness Warsi, and has taken advice from police and intelligence chiefs.

Other proposals include legally requiring intervention by local authorities in 30 areas identified as radicalism hotspots.


Did you ever lick a knife?

When I was about four years old, we stayed for a while with our Aunt Kay after father died. She had a mirror polished chrome electric percolator, and it sat in the middle of the table at every meal. She and mother drank a lot of coffee. My little sister and I used to sit there and make faces in our reflection, and one day my sister leaned too far forward, stuck her tongue out at the image and touched the hot pot. OUCH!!! She cried, screamed and fought as mother put an ice cube on her tongue and tried to comfort her. Eventually the pain went away, but the memory was permanent. Did she ever stick her tongue out at something she knew to be hot after that? Not that I know of. And neither did I.

Experience is the best teacher. Learning from the experience of others is even better, of course, but merely being TOLD such things is pretty useless unless a decent amount of actual experience has taught one the wisdom to listen and learn. Young children don’t learn well from lecture, usually, so the fact that both our aunt and mother told us endlessly that the pot was hot didn’t help much until we did have that experience. We might have easily had that touching it with our fingers, of course, but my sister has always done things the hard way.

I can hear people screaming that it would have been much better, then, not to keep the pot on the table! Remove the danger! Eliminate all threat, or as much as possible.  And, of course they could have done so. But let’s look at this a little more…

Most of the children I knew had roller skates then. We had a lot of cracked, heaved sidewalks and uneven pavement, but enough smooth stuff to really enjoy the skates. The process of learning to enjoy the good parts almost inevitably involved doing dumb things and getting knees and elbows scraped up trying to negotiate the bumpy parts. We wore out a lot of shoes and jeans.

We climbed trees and fell out of them. We played baseball in the streets and dodged autos and motorcycles. We rode bicycles and had to negotiate traffic and avoid some nasty dogs. We raced insanely built crates with wheels (and no brakes) down a steep hill with a scummy pond at the bottom. We swam in the scummy pond, captured endless polliwogs, ate the berries that grew around it, and learned quickly the difference between ripe and green.

Mother bought raw milk from a neighbor who had a cow. We made butter from the cream off the top. I can’t remember anything that tasted so wonderful, unless it was the butter on home made bread toast afterwards.

When we got older, we hiked out into the woods and followed the animal trails, and some of the boys were given single shot .22 rifles to hunt with. I don’t remember anybody getting hurt with the guns, but if they did something stupid they lost that privilege very quickly until they learned better.

Some of the older boys (and maybe a few girls) ventured farther out and spent some time along the railroad tracks that ran on the outskirts of town. They put precious pennies on the track, and went back to retrieve them after the train flattened them. Sometimes the train would stop and the engineer would let the boys climb onto the engine and even ride a few hundred feet if he was feeling mellow and wasn’t behind schedule.

We walked to school, even several miles, and all over town to the shops, the cinema, the park and the museums. It was a small town, so we didn’t have much to choose from, but I spent a good part of each summer and many weekends in the beautiful county library that had once been a gracious home. I adored the librarian, at least some because she did not try to limit me to the “children’s” section. I read about six grade levels beyond my years and it was torture to be limited to “Dick and Jane.”

It was a learning environment that has probably never been equaled. I don’t know just when people started to think that wasn’t important… Actually, I don’t believe most people thought about it that way at all. At some point they were railroaded into thinking only about “safety,” and gradually most of those things became forbidden or banned. Along with a lot of other things, of course.

Was it dangerous to be a child then? We had plenty of scrapes and cuts, bruises and even a few broken bones. I don’t remember any children dying, but I’m sure there were some. Good parents knew that children needed to experience life, risks and all. They knew that everyone had to be responsible for themselves. Parents who did not understand this usually raised spoiled brats who never understood personal responsibility. I suspect that’s were most of the politicians came from.

Is it less dangerous to be a child now? You tell me.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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