Sunday, October 25, 2015

Germaine Greer can say whatever she likes about trans politics

Brendan O'Neill

If you want to know how crazy, even Kafkaesque, this young millennium has become, consider this: yesterday it was reported that a person with a penis — Caitlyn Jenner — will be named Glamour magazine’s Woman of the Year, while over at Cardiff University a woman who has done more than most to secure the liberation of womankind — Germaine Greer — was denounced by a swarm of Stepford Students as ‘transphobic’, someone who should make all right-minded people feel ‘sick to [their] stomachs’.

This is the world you live in, folks. One in which a bloke can be globally celebrated as an inspiring woman — and heaven help the brave soul who asks: ‘But is this strapping former athlete with testicles really a woman?’ — while an actual inspiring woman, whose balls are only metaphorical, can be labelled a disgrace to ‘feminism and society’.

The Cardiff crazies trying to prevent Greer from giving a lecture at their Uni next month even call her ‘misogynistic’, on the basis that she ‘misgenders trans women’ (ie, she thinks people with dicks are men). So a man in a frock is hailed as a great woman, while Germaine Greer is branded a misogynist. Where does one even begin to unpick such unhingedness?

The campaign to have Greer kept off Cardiff’s campus is only the latest act of student censoriousness. Having banned the far right, Zionists, Blurred Lines, the Sun, sombreros and too many other people and things to mention, now the weird new breed of book-burning students wants to stop Greer from giving a lecture titled ‘Women and Power: The Lessons of the 20th Century’ at Cardiff on 18 November.



Merkel's Muslim Madness

German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that refusing to take in Muslim migrants is a "danger for Europe." Merkel as usual had it backward. It's her program of taking in Muslim migrants that represents the gravest threat to the freedom and future of Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Merkel may have already doomed Germany. The Bild newspaper published a leaked secret government document estimating that the number of migrants invading Europe this year might reach 1.5 million.

And that bad news gets much worse because the document estimates that each migrant will bring in as many as eight family members once they're settled in, bringing the year's true total to 7.36 million.

That's almost 10 percent of the population of Germany. In just one invasion.

And the migrants are mostly young men entering a rapidly aging country whose young male population is under 5 million. Germany's Muslim population already approaches 5 million. The median age of Germany's Muslim population is 34, while the median age for the overall population is 46.

Merkel has rapidly sped up the rate at which Germany's young male population becomes Muslim.

The document predicts up to 10,000 invaders entering every day. It foresees no end to the arrivals even when it gets cold. These words add up to the end of Germany and the end of Europe.

With numbers like these it's no wonder that Merkel is frantically trying to shift the burden, berating Eastern European countries for their nationalism and failing to learn from history even though as a former Communist and a German leader, she represents the two political forces that historically did the most to deprive these nations of their national rights and their independence.

Merkel invokes the Berlin Wall to claim that fences don't work. But the Berlin Wall kept people from leaving. The fences that Hungary has built are constructed in self-defense, not to keep Hungarians in, but to keep invading Muslims out. It's Merkel whose EU totalitarianism represents a new Berlin Wall that mandates open borders for Muslim migrants while preventing countries from leaving the EU.

When Merkel states, "The refugees won't be stopped if we just build fences. That I'm deeply convinced of, and I've lived behind a fence for long enough," she is not only deliberately mangling the moral difference between a fence that keeps invaders out and a fence that keeps people in, but her own complicity in these fences. East Germany needed a fence because people wanted to flee its totalitarian regime. The European Union needs political fences to keep countries from escaping its political regime.

The choice isn't between open borders and the Berlin Wall. Rather the open borders that Merkel advocates are another form of the Berlin Wall. Communist countries don't make immigration difficult. They make emigration impossible. Free countries make immigration difficult, but emigration easy.

That's how democracy is supposed to work. It allows the people of a nation to decide who can enter while allowing anyone to leave. Merkel's EU brings back the USSR's ‘Prison of Nations' where everyone can enter, but no one can leave.

Merkel warns European countries that refusing Muslim immigrants is "not negotiable." This is the type of language that totalitarian regimes use.

Europeans are told that they will lose their credibility if they don't take in Muslims. "Who are we to defend Christians around the world if we say we won't accept a Muslim or a mosque in our country?" she asks. "That won't do."

But taking in Muslims has prevented Germans from defending Christians even in their own country, not only in the Middle East.

Christian refugees in Germany report being persecuted, threatened and beaten by Muslims. An Iranian Christian refugee spoke of death threats from Syrian Muslim migrants. An Iraqi Christian family was beaten and told, "We will kill you and drink your blood."

A Lutheran pastor says that he is asked by refugees, "Will we have to hide ourselves as Christians in the future in this country?"

That question is better addressed to Angela Merkel and her mad Muslim vision for Germany.

Islamizing Germany will not enable it to defend Christians in the Middle East. Instead it will make the government even more vulnerable to terrorist blackmail and political pressure from Muslims. And if Merkel were really concerned about Christians, she wouldn't be fighting European countries that want to take in Christian refugees instead of Muslim migrants. Not only hasn't her appeasement of Muslims done anything to help Christians in the Middle East, but it has endangered Christians in Germany.

Despite resistance from her own party, Merkel continues doubling down. She has seized control of refugee policy from her own interior minister, who was skeptical of her action and who may have helped leak the Bild document, and she continues to ignore calls for refugee limits from her own party.

Meanwhile Muslims in Germany are vocal about refusing to accept any limitations of Muslim immigration.

Merkel isn't really an open borders fanatic. She's a political hack who made a tragic mistake and is desperately trying to dump it on the rest of Europe. After originally taking the correct line, Merkel folded and rather than admit that she made a mistake whose implications will destroy her country, she is desperately manufacturing one ridiculous excuse after another to defend her actions.

Her calls for sharing the burden amount to dumping the consequences of her unilateral policy on the rest of Europe. It's exactly the type of behavior she condemned from Greece, only to hypocritically practice a version of it that is far more disastrous, both from the standpoint of security and economics.

Merkel's plan is to unilaterally demand that the rest of Europe "share" in the welfare, crime and terrorism of the Muslim migrants that she chose to take in. And there's nothing fair about that. But the Eurocrats can't wrap their heads around the idea of border fences. The closest they can come to the idea is to hypocritically plead with Turkey to secure the borders that they refuse to secure.

The Turkish solution still requires Europe to take in another 500,000 Muslims from Turkey in exchange for its tyrannical Islamist ruler agreeing to secure its borders. This means outsourcing European border security to a hostile Muslim country whose ruler dreams of reviving the Ottoman Empire and boasted, "The mosques are our barracks, minarets our bayonets, domes our helmets, the believers our soldiers."

That's the sort of man that Europe will be turning over its security too. Meanwhile those 500,000 Muslims will also have to be "shared" all across Europe.

Merkel claims that the migrants "present more opportunities than risks." What opportunities are these exactly? Half the Muslim "youth" in Germany are already unemployed.  Barely a third of Muslim immigrants earn a living through professional employment.

What opportunities will adding millions of Muslims to the welfare rolls accomplish except to create more jobs for the government bureaucrats who sign their welfare checks?

Merkel's allies claim that she deserves the Nobel Prize. She certainly does. Hitler and Stalin were both nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. And Merkel has done more damage to Germany and Europe than any leader since these two worthy gentlemen before her had.   


Swedish attack was anti-Muslim

Most of the many "refugees" in Sweden are Muslim and they excell themselves in being obnoxious to the mainstream culture.  The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats party has gone from strength to strength in recent years

The Swedish school murderer who killed a teacher and pupil with a sword during a brutal attack on Thursday, left a suicide note where he wrote that he 'had to do something about immigration'.

Police have said the letter written by Anton Lundin-Petterson, is additional proof that the attack on the school in Trollhattan, near Gothenburg, was a racist hate crime.

As the 21-year-old assailant moved through the school on his bloody rampage which left two dead and two seriously injured, he picked out his victims based on skin colour.

School killer: Lundin-Pettersson, pictured in high school, left a suicide note where he wrote that he 'had to do something about immigration'

Swedish police today confirmed that the letter found in Lundin-Pettersson's home proves that the attack was a planned racist hate crime and that he acted alone.

'It was a kind of suicide note, I believe the letter was hand-written,' head of investigation Thord Haraldsson told a press conference earlier today

'He writes that he has to do something about the immigration politics in Sweden.;

When asked if Lundin-Pettersson made clear in his letter that he did not intend to survive the attack, police said that it 'can be interpreted that he thought he was going to die'.  

Security footage from the school in Trollhattan, north of Gothenburg, shows Lundin-Petterson marching through school corridors armed with a sword and a knife, and stopping to talk to light-skinned students.

'He selected his victims and attacked the dark-skinned ones and left the light-skinned ones alone,' Haraldsson said today. 'Everything points to this being a hate crime.'

As he launched his attack on the students, Lundin-Petterson, who was described by a witness as 'wearing a Darth Vader mask', shouted 'I am your father' during his killing spree, a witness has revealed.

The killer who posed for a photograph with unwitting students midway through his rampage, said the famous Star Wars character's line as he slashed at children.

Earlier today, survivors praised the first victim of the attack - 20-year-old teaching assistant Lavin Eskandar [a Turk, judging by his name], who was cut down after throwing himself in front of a group of young pupils.

Witnesses say he screamed at the children to run before trying to overpower Lundin-Petterson who, armed with a sword and knife, went on to stab two 15-year-old students and a teacher.

Several students who witnessed the attack at the school in Trollhättan have described Mr Eskandar as a hero who gave his life for them.

Mr Eskandar had been sat by a computer in the school cafeteria when Lundin-Pettersson, wearing a black coat over his shoulders, a helmet and mask, raised his sword and went for a number of students.

Witnesses have described how the brave 20-year-old threw himself between the killer and students to try to stop him.

Mr Eskandar's family has paid tribute to him today, calling him 'a king and a hero in the eyes of the entire city.' 'All I know is that he cared about others, not about himself and that he tried to protect the children. He was the only person who succeeded in stopping the culprit,' his brother Leith Eskandar, 22, told Expressen.

Mr Eskandar, who graduated from a local high school in June this year with a diploma in media studies, had recently begun working as an assistant to one of the students at Kronan school in Trollhattan.  He dreamed of becoming a director and photographer and ran a production company with his brother and a friend, making videos that has millions of YouTube views.

In addition he worked as a local night-club snapper and has been described by friends and family as dedicated, hard working and loved.

Lundin-Petterson's second victim, Ahmed Hassan, 15, who died in hospital on Thursday afternoon, had arrived in Sweden with his parents and eight siblings from Somalia in 2012.  The other student victim, also 15, had fled Syria with his family and arrived in Sweden nine months ago.

He is currently in critical but stable condition and medical staff told Swedish media that the is no longer 'hovering between life and death'.

A witness told Expressen that Lundin-Pettersson had uttered the phrase 'I am your father', in English as he attacked.

Swedish police have now confirmed that the brutal attack was a racist hate crime and a terror attack.

On Friday, at least two schools in Gothenburg, just 45 miles south of Trollhattan received threats in connection with the attack.

Staff at one of them, Grevegårdsskolan, a primary school, found threatening posters when they arrived this morning.

The posters show a picture from the attack on Thursday, although police have not revealed which one, captioned 'I'm back'.

After cutting down Mr Eskandar, Lundin-Pettersson, moved through the school but before word had spread of the attacks, many students thought he had dressed up as a Halloween joke and approached him.

Two young girls even asked him to pose for a picture, and despite having already murdered Mr Eskandar, Lundin-Pettersson paused to do so.  Wearing a mask and holding a sword already covered in Mr Eskandar's blood, the image sees him stand next to two young students,

In a chilling move, Lundin-Petterson even has his arm around one of them, seconds before stabbing a teacher, who remains in critical condition.

The anonymous girl who took the photograph told Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet that they had no idea that the blood on the large sword he was holding was real.

She told the newspaper that she had left her classroom to fetch a pen when she spotted two friends standing with a man wearing a mask and holding a blood-covered knife.

Thinking that the attacker had dressed up as a holiday joke, her friends wanted a picture with him, so she obliged.

Seconds after the picture was taken, their teacher, a 41-year-old maths lecturer, came out of the classroom and told the killer to take off the mask and leave as he was scaring the children.

'He just nodded, then he plunged the large knife into the teacher's right side. The last thing I heard him say was 'call an ambulance'.'

Kronan is located in an area of Trollhattan with a diverse population and many of the pupils are first or second generation immigrants.

In the weeks before the attack, Lundin-Pettersson, who was described by witnesses as wearing a 'Darth Vader mask and helmet', had expressed sympathies with extreme right-wing organisations online.

An investigation by magazine Expo into Lundin-Petterson's social media activities found that he had 'liked' several YouTube videos glorifying Nazi Germany.

He had also showed support for anti-immigration party Sweden Democrats, and other right-wing politicians on Facebook.

He attended Lichron Teknikgymnasium, a high school in Trollhättan where he obtained a diploma in technology.

Police arrived at the scene shortly after 10am and were forced to shoot the 21-year-old attacker after he turned on police.

The assailant used 'a number of knife-like weapons' to attack students and teachers in the school cafeteria and in classrooms.

'One of my friends opened the door and there's a man dressed in black with a Star Wars mask and a large black sword,' a student witness told Sveriges Television.

The victims and the masked attacker were all rushed to the Norra Alvsborgs Lanssjukhus hospital in Trollhättan, an industrial town of around 50,000 inhabitants.

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday afternoon, police addressed speculation that the attack had racial motives.

'It's in the picture [potential racist attack], but it is nothing I wish to comment on at the moment,' Thord Haraldsson, who is leading the investigation said.

The wounded teacher had been stabbed in the abdomen while the boys were stabbed in the abdomen, liver and chest.

The attacker, who was also admitted to the Norra Alvsborgs Lanssjukhus, had gun wounds to the lower part of his chest, and later died from his wounds.

Kronan has around 400 students from pre-school, aged six, up to year 9, aged 15-16, but the murdered is not a former pupil.

Police responded to an emergency call saying a masked man equipped with a sword was on the premises and that a person had been attacked at or near the school cafeteria, police said


Leftist racism in Australia now largely ignored

Jeremy Sammut

At a forum earlier this year, a prominent Leftist economic commentator outlined his greatest fear that as the economy soured, politicians would shift the blame by reverting to the slogans and stereotypes of the White Australia era.

My response was that the notion of racism lurking latent in the nation's soul, ripe for electoral exploitation, did not match contemporary social and political reality. Diversity was not just a social phenomenon born of decades of non-discriminatory immigration policy.

More importantly, it was a family reality for millions of ordinary Australians who -- due to the high levels of intermarriage between different ethnic groups -- recoil from anti-immigrant sentiments promoting prejudice against family members.

I have been thinking about the commentator's statement after viewing the television ad produced by the Victorian Liberal Party criticizing the union opposition to the China Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA).

The ad depicts a typical Australian -- and typically ethnically diverse -- suburban family. As Fairfax reported earlier this month, it shows an "Australian man on the couch with his arm around his Chinese girlfriend" while watching "union attack ads on TV with the man's parents."

When the girlfriend says that she didn't think Australians were racist, she is reassured by the mother that this is correct, and the father blames the Labor politicians who haven't stopped "some unions" from running a dog-whistle anti-Chinese campaign. It ends with the slogan: "Free trade is good for Australian jobs".

I take great heart from this ad that the days of White Australia are long behind us.

A century ago, politicians from all sides of politics strongly endorsed anti-Chinese and Protectionist sentiments - because there were lots of votes to be won by backing a White Australia. But times, attitudes, and Australian society have changed. Today, recalcitrant unions are called out as racist for endorsing throwback ideas that are no longer in tune with mainstream values.

Fears that politicians will resort to playing the race card are indeed exaggerated -- as is illustrated this week by the Federal Labor Party's capitulation on the ChAFTA deal. The racism of earlier times will simply not play politically in contemporary Australia for the simple reason that this is genuinely offensive to millions of Australian voters.



Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges but I rarely report the  incidents concerned here as I have a separate blog for educational matters.

American "liberals" often deny being Leftists and say that they are very different from the Communist rulers of  other countries.  The only real difference, however, is how much power they have.  In America, their power is limited by democracy.  To see what they WOULD be like with more power, look at where they ARE already  very powerful: in America's educational system -- particularly in the universities and colleges.  They show there the same respect for free-speech and political diversity that Stalin did:  None.  So look to the colleges to see  what the whole country would be like if "liberals" had their way.  It would be a dictatorship.

For more postings from me, see TONGUE-TIED, GREENIE WATCH,   EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL, FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC, AUSTRALIAN POLITICS and  DISSECTING LEFTISM.   My Home Pages are here or   here or   here.  Email me (John Ray) here


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